Eventos event management and communication

Organize your entire event with one tool

Eventos event management system includes everything you need before, during, and after the event.

Eventos admin kuvattu kannettavalla tietokoneella ja Eventos App kuvattu tabletilla

Eventos event management system makes events better

For event organizers, participants,
and exhibitors

Eventos Admin ikoni

Eventos Admin

A tool for event organizers for creating event websites, sending invitations, registering attendees, selling tickets and finding insights – all in one place.

Eventos App ikoni

Eventos App

Your attendees will have the event information, tickets and program always accessible, wherever they are. Eventos App boosts interaction, facilitates networking, and also works as a virtual event platform.

Eventos Exhibitor ikoni

Eventos Exhibitor

Manage exhibition sales, partner communication and replace printed trade fair guides with Eventos. In the portal, exhibitors can update their information, order materials for their booth, and gain visibility.  

Henkilö käyttää Eventos Admin -palvelua kannettavalla tietokoneella

Eventos keeps you in control

Simplify your work before, during, and after the event

Eventos is the most comprehensive event management system on the market. You get everything you need in one tool – ticketing, event app, virtual platform, exhibition management, and much more.

Eventos Admin

Event management system

Organize large or small events with less effort. With Eventos Admin you can handle everything in one tool, save time and focus on what matters most.  

Eventos admin image
Brändisi mukaiset tapahtumasivut helposti ikoni

Create branded event websites with a few clicks

Kutsut ja räätälöidyt viestit eri osallistujaryhmille ikoni

Send invitations and targeted messages to specific audiences

Ilmoittautumiset ja osallistujatietojen hallinta ikoni

Manage registrations and attendee information

Lippukauppa ja nopeampi sisäänkirjautuminen ikoni

Sell tickets and avoid check-in queues

Ohjelmatietojen ja -materiaalien hallinta ikoni

Manage program information and materials

Muokattavat raportit päätöksenteon tueksi ikoni

Support decision-making with customizable reports

Puhelin, jossa on näkyvissä Eventos App -tapahtumasovelluksesta löytyvä osallistujan nimikortti

Tickets to your event safely and without delays

Ticket shop and mobile ticket application

Sell tickets to your event while your participants register and store their information in the same system. Encourage them to take the Eventos app into use by having the registration confirmation and mobile tickets in the event app.

Eventos App

Event application

With Eventos, you can create a branded event app without any programming skills. With the app, you can share your event program, arrival instructions, maps, and keep your audience up to date, wherever they are.

Puhelin, jossa on näkyvissä Eventos App -tapahtumasovellus

Eventos App ensures a unified event experience

For your live, virtual, and hybrid events

Eventos App connects your participants online and on-site. Your audience can participate from anywhere, network with other participants, schedule meetings, exchange contact information, participate in surveys and polls, and play event games.

Verkostoituminen ja tapaamispalvelu ikoni

Networking and meeting service

Striimit virtuaaliosallistujille ikoni

Streams for virtual participants

Keskustelut, sanapilvet ja äänestykset ikoni

Chat, word clouds
and polls

Tapahtumapeli yleisön aktivointiin ikoni

Event game to engage
your audience

Liput tapahtumaan, tarjoiluihin ja rinnakkaisohjelmiin ikoni

Tickets to your event, catering and parallel programs

Ohjelma, omat suosikit ja kartat ikoni

Program information, favorites and maps

Eventos Exhibitor

Exhibition management

Eventos Exhibitor is a best-in-class service for trade shows and exhibitions. Manage exhibition sales, exhibitor information, send messages and share materials, offer a mobile trade fair guide, and collect leads with the same service.

Tabletti, jossa on näkyvissä Eventoksen näytteilleasettajaportaali
Näyttelytilan myynti, osallistumispaketit ja tilaukset osastoille ikoni

Booth sales, exhibitor packages and material orders

Näyttelyhenkilöstön ilmoittautuminen, nimikortit ja parkkiluvat ikoni

Staff registrations, name cards and parking permits

Näytteilleasettajien tietojen hallinta ikoni

Exhibitor information management

Viestintä, ohjeistukset ja materiaalien jakelu ikoni

Messaging, instructions and distribution of materials

Liidien keräys ja raportointi ikoni

Lead collection
and reports

Messuopas mobiilissa ikoni

Expo app

Kuva seminaariyleisöstä

Give your exhibitors more visibility

Eventos App for
trade fairs

Exhibitors can manage information of their company and personnel, publish trade fair offers, send messages to their guests, and schedule appointments in the trade fair app. The application replaces printed trade fair guides and keeps your guests always up-to-date.  

Want to know more?

Contact our sales or request a free demo

Pekka Neuvonen
040 543 3500

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