Eventos Admin

Succeed as an event organizer

Organize successful events professionally with Eventos Admin. Create branded event pages and invitations with just a few clicks. Manage all event information with one tool.

Eventos admin kuvattu kannettavalla tietokoneella ja Eventos App kuvattu tabletilla
Työskentely Eventos Adminilla

Eventos Admin

Before, during and
after an event

Eventos Admin is an end-to-end tool for event organizers that keeps all information and details under control – from start to finish.

Key features

Everything you need in one tool

Eventos Admin is an end-to-end tool for event organizers that keeps all information and details under control – from start to finish.

Brändisi mukaiset tapahtumasivut helposti ikoni

Create branded event websites with a few clicks

Kutsut ja räätälöidyt viestit eri osallistujaryhmille ikoni

Send invitations and targeted messages to specific audiences

Ilmoittautumiset, palautteiden keruu ja muut kyselyt lomakkeilla ikoni

Registrations, feedback collection, and other surveys with forms

Lippukauppa ja nopeampi sisäänkirjautuminen ikoni

Sell tickets and avoid check-in queues

Ohjelmatietojen ja -materiaalien hallinta ikoni

Manage program information and materials

Muokattavat raportit päätöksenteon tueksi ikoni

Support decision-making with customizable reports

Event pages, invitations and registration forms

Craft branded event communications

Create stylish event pages, invitation messages, and newsletters, and send them directly from Eventos. Collect registrations and feedback using customizable forms. Manage participant information smoothly with the help of participant types and groups. In addition to emails, utilize text messages and push notifications for reminders, ticket delivery, and event app distribution.

Kuva Eventos Admin palvelun sähköpostieditorista.
Puhelin, jossa on näkyvissä Eventos App -tapahtumasovelluksesta löytyvä osallistujan nimikortti.

Entry tickets, meal or drink vouchers, and other passes in the same application

Secure and seamless ticket shop

Sell tickets to your event while your participants register and store their information in the same system. Encourage them to take the Eventos app into use by having the registration confirmation and mobile tickets in the event app.

Streamlined check-in with QR scanning

Reduce queues and collect valuable data

Speed up the arrival at your event by scanning each attendee’s QR code on the event application or name badge. Scan the QR codes also at conference room entrances and refreshment points to gather data on session interest and service usage. 

Kuva tapahtuman osallistujista tapahtumapaikan ilmoittautumisessa.
Tapahtuman suunnittelu Eventos Plannerin avulla.

Eventos Planner

Versatile program planning tool

Collect program proposals and abstracts using an electronic form and manage the evaluation process entirely digitally. Through Planner, you can send messages to proposal submitters and set a schedule for the approved program content. Transfer the finalized program content to Eventos, from where it can be easily published in the Eventos App and on the event website using a program embed. Planner saves working time, especially for events with multiple simultaneous program tracks and a large number of presentations.

Customize reports to suit your needs

Analyze your events with comprehensive reports

Optimize your future events with data. Gather feedback from your attendees easily through the event app, create tailored reports and share them with your partners.

Kuva Eventos Admin -palvelun käyttöliittymästä.

Eventos includes everything you need for event management

Eventos Admin tapahtumajärjestäjälle ikoni

Eventos Admin
for event organizers

Eventos App osallistujalle ikoni

Eventos App
for attendees

Eventos Exhibitornäytteilleasettajalle ikoni

Eventos Exhibitor
for exhibitors

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