Eventos Exhibitor

Simplify your exhibition management

Create spectacular events with less effort. Eventos Exhibitor is the most comprehensive exhibition management platform on the market. It includes tools for the organizer, services for the exhibitor, and an expo app for the visitors. You can even host virtual exhibitions with Eventos.

Tabletti, jossa on näkyvissä Eventoksen näytteilleasettajaportaali
Kaksi henkilöä suunnittelee tapahtumaa Eventos Exhibitor -näytteilleasettajaportaalin avulla

Eventos Exhibitor

Organize trade fairs and exhibitions with one tool

Booth sales, exhibitor information management, messaging, material sharing, expo app, lead collection and virtual exhibitions – get all this done with Eventos Partner.

Key features

For exhibition organizers, exhibitors,
and attendees

Eventos Exhibitor puts you in control of your event information management and communication – before, during and after your exhibition. Exhibitors can update their own information and download materials. Floor plans, event information, tickets and fair offers are available to your visitors in the expo app.

Näyttelytilan myynti, osallistumispaketit ja tilaukset osastoille ikoni

Booth sales, exhibitor packages and material orders

Näyttelyhenkilöstön ilmoittautuminen, nimikortit ja parkkiluvat ikoni

Staff registrations, name cards and parking permits

Näytteilleasettajien tietojen hallinta ikoni

Exhibitor information management

Viestintä, ohjeistukset ja materiaalien jakelu ikoni

Messaging, instructions and distribution of materials

Liidien keräys ja raportointi ikoni

Lead collection
and reports

Messuopas mobiilissa ikoni

Expo app

Exhibition management, communication and booth sales

Complete exhibition management

Eventos Exhibitor allows you to manage exhibitor information, send messages, distribute materials and share reports with exhibitors. You can offer various sponsorship packages or exhibitor levels and collect payments online or via billing.

Kannettava tietokone, jossa on näkyvissä Eventos Exhibitor -näytteilleasettajaportaalin käyttöliittymä.
Henkilö käyttää Eventos Exhibitor -näytteilleasettajaportaalia kannettavalla tietokoneella.

Service portal for exhibitors

Invitations, company information and lead management

The service portal is automatically activated when a booth reservation is made. In the portal, exhibitors can place orders for their booth, update their company description, logo, and contact information, register their booth staff, and send invitations to their customers. The leads scanned at the booths are reported in the portal.

Expo app

Paperless exhibition guides

Eventos expo app replaces traditional printed exhibition guides and increases visibility for your partners. Exhibition information and floor plans are always available to the visitors. Exhibitors can publish special offers, send messages to the visitors, and arrange meetings through the app.  

Kuva Eventos App -tapahtumasovelluksen näytteilleasettaja-näkymästä tabletilla ja puhelimella.
Henkilö käyttää Eventos Admin -palvelua kannettavalla tietokoneella

Seamless CRM integration

Eventos and Salesforce are a perfect match

Eventos Exhibitor is designed to work together with Salesforce CRM. By choosing Eventos for event management and integrating it with Salesforce, you can avoid costly and laborious customization projects.

Eventos includes everything you need for event management

Eventos Admin tapahtumajärjestäjälle ikoni

Eventos Admin for event organizers

Eventos App osallistujalle ikoni

Eventos App
for attendees

Eventos Exhibitor näytteilleasettajalle ikoni

Eventos Exhibitor
for exhibitors

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